Economic Impact Analysis Reports - REMPLAN
Tourism Tasmania has produced seven economic modelling reports for Tasmania's four regional tourism organisations.
These reports are built on the latest available datasets sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Tourism Research Australia.
The datasets have been used to detail the economic contributions of tourism alongside estimates for other industry sectors.
While these reports will be used at a local level, Tourism Tasmania will continue to use the Tourism Satellite Accounts produced by Tourism Research Australia to report on tourisms economic contribution at a state level.
Two sets of reports are provided below. The reports in the left column were prepared in May-June 2013 using data from the 2010-2011 Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA). In July 2013 the Tourism Satellite Accounts were updated using 2011-2012 data, and subsequently we have produced an update for each report in the form of a summary.
31 July 2013