Regional Tourism

Regional tourism in Tasmania is based around four regional tourism organisations that cover the north-west and west coast, the southern region, the northern region and the east coast.

These organisations set the strategic direction for tourism in their region, identify priorities and deliver programs that engage their industry and stakeholders. They have the autonomy to plan and deliver programs that effectively develop and market the region and are accountable to their industry and key stakeholders.

This arrangement represents a tourism industry-led approach to regional tourism in Tasmania. It empowers the tourism industry to take more control of tourism in their region, with Tourism Tasmania providing some support funding for the four organisations.

The approach also aims to improve the coordination of resources across councils, the tourism industry and Tourism Tasmania that are directed towards agreed regional tourism priorities, as well as clarify the role of local tourism associations and their contribution to the development of regional priorities.

The following are contact details for Tasmania's regional tourism authorities.

East Coast

Contact Telephone Email
Damian Mather - Acting CEO, East Coast Tourism 0412 931 089



Contact Telephone Email
Office 0419 133 755
Tracey Mallett - CEO, Visit Northern Tasmania 0419 133 755


North West/West Coast

Contact Telephone Email
Gabriella Conti - CEO, West by North West Tasmania 0499 020 466



Contact Telephone Email
Office 6223 5650
Alex Heroys - CEO Destination Southern Tasmania 6223 5650
