Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy



Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy provides a collective longer-term vision through to 2030. The strategy is a plan for growth and a plan to manage growth sustainably, ensuring that the visitor economy continues to have a positive impact on our environment, economy and way of life.

Download the 2030 Action Plan Progress Report (first year) [PDF, 900KB]

Download the 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy [PDF, 3.82MB]

Download Tasmania's 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy Action Plan [PDF, 230KB]

Download Tasmania's 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy Fact Sheet [PDF, 720KB]

Our vision

Our vision is that, by 2030, the visitor economy will be valued by Tasmanians for its positive impact to our environment, prosperity and way of life, and Tasmania will be valued by visitors for being a genuinely different experience.

To do this, we will promote and protect Tasmania through a visitor economy that champions our natural environment, grows our prosperity, and empowers visitors to make a positive impact to island life.



Purpose of the strategy

The purpose of the strategy is to provide clarity to our community on what it can expect from our visitor economy, and clarity to industry and government on agreed priorities and accountabilities to achieve this vision for the benefit of Tasmania.

The strategy will be implemented through a series of shorter-term Action Plans that enable focussed attention to delivery and a responsive approach to changing industry needs, market environment and broader economic and community contexts.

Positive impact: a new approach for our visitor economy

Tasmania is an attractive destination, and we expect continued growth. We will proactively manage growth to protect and enhance Tasmania’s brand, environment and community values. Over many decades, our visitor economy has created substantial value for Tasmania and Tasmanians.

Tasmania will continue to be a sought-after destination for visitors and popular with a growing population of Tasmanians wanting to explore their home state.

We have the opportunity now to proactively manage growth to protect and enhance Tasmania’s brand, environment and community values.

Our vision for Tasmania’s visitor economy is that it maximises the good, minimises the harm, and shares the benefits broadly. This is what we mean by positive impact. This will require purposeful actions, informed by data and research, and governed by a strong commitment by industry and government to be connected to our long-term vision.

This strategy sets out eight key directions to grow and manage our visitor economy into the future:

  1. We will be a leading destination for climate-conscious travel.
  2. We will proactively manage growth to protect and enhance Tasmania’s brand, environment and community values.
  3. We will grow the contribution that visitors make to Tasmania and maximise overall benefit to our state and regional communities.
  4. We will differentiate and build awareness of Tasmania to increase brand power and attract the visitors who will grow value over volume.
  5. We will invest in and support a sustainable and successful events and business events sector, enhancing Tasmania’s brand.
  6. We will plan for and invest in infrastructure for the next decade to support future growth, benefitting locals and visitors.
  7. We will attract a skilled workforce creating jobs for Tasmanians and meeting industry needs.
  8. We will bring industry, state and local government together with local communities in managing destinations.

Public consultation

Tasmanians were invited to have their say on the Key Directions for Tasmania’s future visitor economy to inform the finalisation of Tasmania's 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy.

Public consultation opened Wednesday 31 May 2023 and closed at midnight on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

59 submissions were received and Tasmania's 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy was further considered and updated.

Submissions were published from 17 August — 19 September 2023. Not all submissions were published due to a request for confidentiality.

Updated 27 August 2024