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Annual Report 2012-13
Tourism Tasmania's innovative domestic campaign, Behind the Scenery, was the first to be built on Tasmania's new tourism brand.
Discover Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania's travel website, received 2 307 253 visits, a 12 per cent increase over the same period last year.
A product road show took 15 Tasmanian products to Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Newcastle to present to almost 300 travel agents.
An investment of $177 650 in tactical campaigns with Tas Vacations, Infinity Holiday, Flight Centre, Wotif, Lastminute.com and VisitVineyards.com produced a total campaign media value of $2 005 000.
Over the year, Tourism Tasmania's Building Opportunities for Business program provided mentoring assistance to 49 Tasmanian tourism businesses applying for grant funds.
Tasmania hosted an eight-member editorial crew from the leading US hiking lifestyle magazine Backpacker.
Tourism Tasmania's Save a Mainlander marketing campaign - a unique and slightly quirky two-month online promotion - saw the Save a Mainlander website receive 18 807 unique visits and over 79 700 page views.
Tasmania's Regional Tourism Organisations are now established in all four regions with their own Boards and Chief Executive Officers.
Tourism Tasmania's research team presented workshops in 14 locations around the state to inform industry of the benefits and outcomes of Tourism Tasmania's research program.
Tourism Tasmania partnered with Blooming Tasmania to sponsor Gardening Australia's 'Gardener of the Year' promotion.
Tourism Tasmania supported Great Golf Australia in hosting a media event for influential golf writers during this year's US Masters.
In 2012-13, Tourism Tasmania hosted 106 domestic and 75 international media visits, generating $29 million in equivalent advertising value.
Tourism Tasmania's online social media community saw an increase of almost 90% over the past 12 months to a total of 23 500 members.
Over sixty five per cent of staff participated in an overview of risk management at the project level presentation and workshop that reinforced and grew further staff knowledge of risk and risk assessment.
During the year, a total of 21 email Industry Advisories were distributed to Tasmanian operators on topics including campaign launches, announcements from the CEO and Tasmanian Visitor Survey results.
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