Statutory Information

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Board committees

Audit, Finance and Risk

The primary role of the committee is to assist the board fulfil its corporate governance responsibilities in overseeing and reviewing Tourism Tasmania’s internal controls, internal audit relationships, contract engagements, risk management and financial reporting. The committee comprises two board directors and a non-executive independent audit with expertise in corporate governance and financial reporting. Regular attendees of the AFRC meetings are Tourism Tasmania’s Director of Operations and Planning, Business Services Manager, the appointed internal auditors and the Tasmanian Audit Office, and the signing officer.

Our staff

At 30 June 2017, Tourism Tasmania consisted of 46 full-time and six part-time staff, four fixed-term, one Head of Agency and one Senior Executive Service (SES). Of the 52 full and part-time staff, there were 35 females and 17 males.

Public Interest Disclosures Act

The purpose of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 (Act) is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures about the improper conduct of public officers or public bodies. The Act provides protection to persons who make disclosures in accordance with the Act, and establishes a system by which the matters disclosed can be investigated and action to rectify any deficiencies can be taken. The agency is committed to the aims and objectives of the Act. It does not tolerate improper conduct or detrimental action by the agency or members, officers or employees. The procedures for reporting disclosures are available at The agency has not received any disclosures either directly or indirectly referred via the Ombudsman in the year to 30 June 2017.

Tourism Tasmania

Board of Directors Attendance 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017

Board Current Term Number of Board Meetings (8 mtgs)
James Cretan (chair) 12/08/14 - 11/08/2017 (1st term) 7
Michelle Cox 30/10/2014 - 29/10/2017 (1st term) 7
Simon Currant 14/03/2016 - 1/09/2017 (7th term) 7
Rebecca King 15/09/2015 - 14/09/2017 (1st term) 7
Brett Torossi 14/10/2015 - 13/10/2018 (3rd term) 6
Kate Vale 1/5/2017 - 28/03/2019 (2nd term) 5
John Fitzgerald (CEO) * 15/01/2013 - 14/01/2018 (end of appointment) 7

*John Fitzgerald is the Chief Executive Officer and his representation on the board is for the term of his appointment.

Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Attendance

In 2016-17, the Audit Finance and Risk Committee met five times.

Board member Meetings attended
Brett Torossi - Chair 4
Michelle Cox+- AFRC board director committee member 4
Rebecca King - AFRC board director committee member 1
Nicholas Burrows^ - non-executive independent audit committee member 5

^ Nick Burrows in a non-Executive Director for the Tourism Tasmania Audit, Finance and Risk Committee

+ Michelle Cox - No longer serving on the Tourism Tasmania AFRC

A Whole-Of-Government Framework for Tasmanians with a Disability

Tourism Tasmania continues to develop its consumer website,, and its corporate website,, in accordance with the Tasmanian Government’s accessibility standards with due attention paid to the principles described by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Tourism Tasmania publishes the websites using a content management system that is widely used by government organisations, universities, art galleries, large museums and commercial enterprises in Australia and worldwide. On the website, Tourism Tasmania provides accessible product, attractions and tours to ensure this market segment can easily find them.

Right to Information

Tourism Tasmania responds to requests for information in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. The Act allows members of the public the right to access information held by the government and its agencies, with the exception of information deemed by the Act to be exempt. In 2016-17 there were no requests for information from Tourism Tasmania.

Government procurement

Tourism Tasmania undertakes procurement in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the Treasurer’s Instructions, including ensuring Tasmanian businesses are given every opportunity to compete for agency business. Tourism Tasmania’s policy is to support Tasmanian businesses whenever they offer best value for money for the government. The following details are provided in accordance with Treasury Instruction 1111 for all contracts awarded and procurement processes undertaken (excluding consultancies) during the 2016-17 financial year with values in excess of $50,000.

Summary of participation by local businesses No.
Total number of contracts awarded 3
Total number of contracts awarded to Tasmanian businesses 1
Value of contracts awarded $1,603,700
Value of contracts awarded to Tasmania businesses $59,800
Total number of tenders called and written quote processes run 3
Total number of bids and/or written quotations received 19
Total number of bids and/or written quotations received from Tasmanian businesses 1

Workplace Health and Safety

Tourism Tasmania actively manages workplace health and safety by identifying risks and addressing problems promptly.

Activities undertaken during 2016-17

Activity No.
Number of staff participating in health and wellbeing initiatives 28
Number of new incidents received 2
Number of new workers’ compensation claims received 1
Employee assistance program – number of people attending 8
Fire wardens 4

Contracts and consultants

The following tables provide detailed information on Tourism Tasmania's contracts and consultancies procured or awarded during 2016-17.

Contractor Location Description Period Total Value
Media Equation Pty Ltd Vic, Australia Digital Asset Management 3 Oct 2017 to 2 Oct 2010 $63,900
Taylor Nelson Sofres Australia Pty Ltd (TNS) NSW, Australia Market Research Services 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2018 $1,480,000
Tascon Constructions Pty Ltd Tasmania Building Services 6 June 2017 to 7 July 2017 $59,800

Consultancy contracts with a value of $50 000 or over (excluding GST)


Contracts awarded because of an exemption to TI 1114 Contractor


Contract extensions/approved in accordance with TI 1115


Contracts executed in accordance with TI 1401(9) containing Confidentiality Provisions as a result of approval by Head of Agency.

Contract Partner Date of Approval by Head of Agency on the inclusion of confidentiality provision
Jetstar Airways Pty Ltd 4 July 2017
Jetstar Airways Pty Ltd 18 July 2017
Flight Centre 5 May 2017
Flight Centre(Escape) 30 June 2016
Escape Travel 26 April 2017
Tiger 21 August 2017
HelloWorld 10 June 2016
HelloWorld 18 July 2017
Spirit of Tasmania 12 May 2017
Expedia 21 July 2017
Expedia 30 February 2016
P&O 19 December 2016

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