Brand marketing

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Tourism Tasmania encourages leisure travel by connecting people emotionally and culturally to Tasmania. It does this by promoting a unique tourism brand that presents a consistent, compelling and readily identifiable character for the state. Tourism Tasmania's brand campaigns engage all of our marketing  approaches for maximum market impact. We align our social media engagement to campaign themes, produce brand-aligned content for media advertising and work with partner organisations to increase sales.

Tourism Tasmania's domestic marketing targets a group of people we call Life Long Learners. Our research shows they have an interest in exploring and learning more about world in which they live, have a positive outlook on life, and live mainly on Australia's eastern seaboard. Their reasons for taking  a holiday are to discover and understand new people and places or to escape and spend time together and create new memories.

We also use research to evaluate the impact of our brand campaigns, working with research company TNS Australia to track consumer behaviour throughout the campaigns. Tourism Tasmania uses the findings to inform subsequent campaigns over the coming year.

Tourism Tasmania also uses the Tourism Info Monitor (TIM) to monitor the state's tourism performance and gain a deeper understanding of potential interstate visitors to Tasmania.

Go Behind the Scenery

In 2015-16, Tourism Tasmania ran two major domestic marketing campaigns, Go Behind the Scenery Spring 2015 and Go Behind the Scenery Autumn 2016. The campaigns continued to explore the behind the scenery experiences characteristic of Tasmania's tourism brand, however in our autumn 2016 campaign, we  presented these in a more emotive way by focussing on the passionate locals who deliver the experiences, rather than on the experiences themselves.

The campaigns saw Tourism Tasmania invest in media advertising in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, engaging audiences through TV, print, cinema, outdoor and digital advertising.

The social advocacy component of both campaigns was a mix of paid social advertising across Facebook, Instagram and Outbrain, and organic (unsolicited) social activity across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To complement the paid advertising, Tourism Tasmania engaged local and visiting storytellers  – bloggers, photographers and Instagrammers – to generate short and long-form content pieces to support campaign themes.

Throughout the campaigns, Tourism Tasmania also contributed to coordinated promotions by access partners Jetstar in the 2015 and Virgin in the 2016 campaign. We also worked exclusively with conversion partner Flight Centre for both the spring and autumn campaigns with all calls to action being to Flight  Centre.

While the Spring 2015 campaign successfully met all of our performance targets, the Autumn 2016 campaign performed exceptionally well showing steady levels of engagement with the total audience and increased levels of engagement with the target audience.

Go Behind the Scenery

Spring 2015

Autumn 2016

In market

16 August – 3 October 2015

28 Feb – 16 April 2016


Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane

Financial investment

$2 058 790

$3 575 000

Total campaign value

$2 915 951

$6 330 000

Media investment

$1 532 693

$3 045 000


Consideration to travel Spring 2015 Autumn 2016 Change

Target audience*



18 %

Season of Curious

Tourism Tasmania launched Season of Curious, a winter activation, in May 2016 in Melbourne, Sydney and South East Queensland. The campaign aimed to increase visitation over this traditionally quieter period by highlighting the many special events held in Tasmania over winter. All calls to action were  to travel partner, Tas Vacations. The events promoted in the activation included Dark Mofo, The Tempest exhibition, Devonport Jazz Festival, Festival of Voices, Huon Mid-Winter Fest and Chocolate Winterfest. The results of the campaign are not yet available at the time of print.

Dark Mofo

In addition to ongoing Tasmanian Government funding, Tourism Tasmania committed $323,500 to promote Dark Mofo. Because of the event's high affinity with our tourism brand, we leveraged the event through our Season of Curious campaign, as well as in a cooperative campaign with Qantas in Sydney, Melbourne  and Brisbane. Tourism Tasmania also supported a brand-aligned Dark Mofo cinema advertising campaign with 224 screenings of a 60-second advertisement running from 28 April to 19 May in the Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane metropolitan markets.

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