Production Register
Content Production
Professional photographers, videographers, social media content creators and content/copywriters are encouraged to submit applications to join the register. You can apply for multiple categories, indicated by ticking the relevant box on the application form. Tourism Tasmania is looking for content producers who can reflect the meaning of 'Come Down For Air' and represent the Tasmanian tourism brand, as depicted in the Information Sheet through their work.
Applications are always open and are assessed on a quarterly basis by an internal panel.
Social Media Engagement
Tourism Tasmania’s social media channels are a primary, ongoing brand touchpoint for many of our target audience and an opportunity to build meaningful consumer engagement and advocacy. This includes daily engagement from our audience through asking questions, sharing experiences, and searching for their next travel experience. We are in direct communication every day with potential, future, current and loyal visitors, as well as industry and locals. We're inspiring, encouraging, and guiding their experience of Tasmania, as well as providing invaluable utility which serves as a meaningful connection with our brand.
Additionally, consistent and quality engagement from our accounts directly increases the reach potential of future content on our pages.
We are currently accepting applications for Social Media Community Engagement professionals for work mainly on weekends, evenings and holiday periods on a roster basis.
Applications are always open and are assessed on a quarterly basis by an internal panel.
Process for applications
In order to apply to join the register, you will need to fill in the application form [DOCX, 255 KB], which includes a creative assessment component and provide the necessary supporting documents. Once complete, the application must be returned to
Applications for the Production Register will be open continuously to all content producers and assessed in rounds on a quarterly basis by an internal panel.
For applications to be assessed, all applicable information must be received. The creative assessment will be reviewed and if the panel deems that the response reflects the meaning of ‘Come Down For Air’ and represents the Tasmanian tourism brand, as depicted in the Information Sheet, then the contractor will be added to the register.
Related documents
- Creative Assessment for Social Media Engagement [DOCX, 297 KB]
- Application Form [DOCX, 255 KB]
- Production Order Template Example [DOC, 226 KB]
Procuring from the Production Register
The majority of procurements through the Production Register will be made by direct source based on the skill set requirements for the job.
A skills matrix will be established on the approval of each contractor to the Production Register, detailing their skills and areas of specialty. This will be used to align the requirements from the internal creative briefs with suitable contractors. Quotes will be sought from suitable contractors and assessed based on contractor availability, value for money and budget. For Social Media Community Engagement, this is a fixed hourly rate.
If there are no suitable contractor/s on the Production Register, the Creative Team may source a suitable contractor external to the Production Register, ensuring that the contractor also completes the application to be approved as a provider on the Production Register Multi-use List.
This is in line with Treasurers Instructions for low-value procurements up to $100,000.
A copy of the standard agreement used to procure content production and social media community engagement services can be viewed here.
Individual procurements by the contractor will be tallied and if the cumulative spend exceeds $100,000 then a contract agreement will be entered into should services still be required.
For any queries regarding the Production Register or the application process, please email